Lodge Rebranding

Shenandoah Lodge is in the process of rebranding. This was a decision made by the LEC due to the lack of connection with our current totem. A rebranding Committee was formed and is currently researching and developing our next identity. All rebranding updates can be found on this page. Please direct all questions regarding our rebranding to eli@shenandoahlodge.org


Rebranding Update 4

Rebranding Update 3

On August 15, 2020, an Annual Business meeting took place. Before our lodge elections, the Shenandoah Lodge Leadership presented their findings in a recommendation for the next totem of Shenandoah Lodge. A video presentation was played and can be found below. After discussion, the youth membership voted unanimously to change the lodge totem to a Black Bear.

Rebranding Update 2

On July 31st, 2020 a Special LEC meeting was held via zoom. This meeting was used to discuss potential ideas for our next lodge totem. Submissions were reviewed and we concluded that the totem team should focus their efforts toward designing an image that incorporates a bear. This decision was made as our youth had a strong attachment to this local image. We would also be able to use it across platforms and have creative flexibility when designing year-round patches or merchandise.