Published History Documents

A Timeline of Shenandoah Lodge: 1944 – Now (BETA)

  • 1915


    The Founding of our Order

    The Order of the Arrow was founded in July of 1915 by E. Urner Goodman.

  • 1944

    The Founding of Our Lodge

    Early in 1944, the Executive Board and the Camp Committee of the
    Stonewall Jackson Area Council met and discussed the formation of an
    Order of the Arrow Lodge.  On February 19, 1944, Mr. Robert E. ‘Pop’
    Bruce, a field commissioner for the Stonewall Jackson Area Council,
    received a letter from H. Lloyd Nelson, the National Chief at that
    time, detailing the procedure to establish a lodge.  The official
    establishment of the lodge was finalized on March 29, 1944, by the
    Stonewall Jackson Area Council Executive Board. That evening, by
    formal action on a motion by ‘Pop’ Bruce, the Council Executive Board
    created Shenandoah Lodge 258.



  • 1944

    The First Summer

    The calling-out ceremony was perfected during the early part of
    the 1944 camp season. Those scouts and Scouters called out for OA
    membership during the summer of 1944 at Camp Shenandoah were: